On Character Growth by Richard Kieninger A man IS what he thinks.
His character and his fortune are the sum of all his thoughts. Everything
that a man does springs from a prior thought, and even his unpremeditated responses
to a surprise situation have their roots in his past habits of viewing life.
Whether his spontaneous reactions are violent or gentle, brainless or wise,
courageous or cowardly, the reaction is in accordance with the disciplines he
has instituted in his manner of thinking or the lack of control he has over
his own mind. A man’s character does not
improve by chance or by the favor of the Gods. A noble character is the
natural result of continued right-thinking and disciplined selection of the
thoughts that course through one’s consciousness. A man IS what he thinks.
His character and his fortune are the sum of all his thoughts. Everything a
man does springs from a prior thought, and even his unpremeditated responses
to a surprise situation have their roots in his past habits of viewing life. Since mind activity is
one’s character and determines his environment, happiness, wealth, and health
via the laws of mental precipitation, the whole secret of successfully coping
with life stems ultimately from one’s mental activity. A man does not attract
what he would like, but rather what he thinks most about, Many a husband
would like a beautiful marriage, but he constantly concentrates on the
“faults” of his wife. Even though man is lord of his thoughts, he is often
guilty of misgoverning his domain through omission. It is easier to drift than
to devote time and energy to taking thought, but advancement comes from
self-evaluation, determination of cause and effect, and detailed analysis of
environmental conditions in order to surmount the adverse conditions of life.
A man’s mind must be intelligently cultivated lest it grow wild through
neglect. If no good seeds are planted there, then every vagrant thought takes
root there. Evil seeds planted by the Black Mentalists or by communications
media must not be permitted to grow in one’s consciousness. Because all
thoughts to which we have ever been exposed are harbored forever in the
subconscious memory, we must always be on guard to quash the negative ones
when they rise to a conscious level. Here, the newspapers and TV do us a vast
disservice by continually displaying the vices of man. Suffering is the karmic
result of bad actions which in turn sprang from negative thoughts. One must
always be careful of the kind of things he thinks about because they become
reality, One may mentally transmute the many negative influences of society
into a happy personal oasis of serenity. Being immersed in identical
circumstances, one man may grouse, be bitter and discontent while his
neighbor will be joyful, thankful, and positive in outlook. The difference
lies in attitude of mind and nothing else. The resistance of the first man is
destructive to him; the mental transmutation of the second provides a serene
environment further conducive to his spiritual uplift. The advancement of one’s
character is attended by gains in attaining the Great Virtues with
corresponding intensification of the senses. The Mind can be trained to turn
habitually from negative thoughts and instead immediately concentrate upon
only the inherently positive aspects of a situation. These practices raise
vibrational energies. When the Great Virtues are well established in a man’s
character, naturally-controlled clairvoyance results.
We will become a
magnet for high-caliber people if we are emotionally attractive. We are
setting the standards and the tone for all those who follow. If we establish
a solid foundation of codes by which to live, all who come after will
naturally blend in with our high standards. The world is a training ground
for membership into the ultimate of societies—the Brotherhoods. There the
requirements are highest—one can be a likable guy, but if he does not meet
the requirements, he is not in. And once in, he knows if at any time he
ceases to maintain any one of those requirements, he must leave. It is good
practice for us to get used to having to meet certain minimum standards for
membership in preparation for Citizenship in the Nation of God. If we
tolerate consistent rude, hostile or negative behavior of any kind, we are
impeding the growth of the Great Plan. Courtesy is
contagious. It takes more strength to be gentle and more independence to be
considerate than it does to be bullying and selfish. The Brotherhoods, will
be judged by the world at large by each of our behaviors, and that memory
will last forever. We are representing the Great Plan itself; it is a grave
responsibility. I cannot stress enough how imperative it is that we think
before we speak or act, lest it detract from Christ's vision which has been
prepared for so long. Indeed, we have before us the awesome responsibility of
determining what the future civilization will be. Our behaviors in every
encounter shall serve as models for future members and the next generation.
This is the beginning point of creating the culture. And a culture cannot be
created without a code by which we treat each other. Literally, every future
inhabitant of the planet will be affected by what we say and do now. |